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- Biya
Brenda Biya, daughter of the president of La Republique du Cameroun, is sitting the Competitive entrance examination into the National School of Administration and Magistracy.
Biya Eyenga Elle Anasthasie Brenda is going in for treasury , Cycle B.
Her name is on the 325th place on the list of eligible candidates.
She enters the exam room on September 9 and 10.
ENAM is one of the most prestigious institutions in Cameroon. Not everybody can pass the exams. It is rumoured that you need a godfather to have your name on the list of successful candidates.
This rare move by the daughter of the country's strong man has been received with mixed feelings by the public.
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 7122
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- Biya
"World financial institutions have so far been according us much confidence which is gradually helping us to attain our plan in terms of growth.
It is no doubt that we are facing falling prices of basic commodities of which fuel is not an exception, especially in the world market.
The sum of 667 million dollars, has been loaned to us by The International Monetary Fund. This collaboration is aimed at stabilising our economy and increasing job opportunities" the president explained.
According to him, much progress is being witnessed in Cameroon. He keeps on borrowing but we don't see what is being done with the money. It remains a wonder how it will be reimbursed to the lenders.
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- Hits: 3700
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- Biya
The Head of State Paul Biya, went to visit his village last Saturday, after cancelling his journey to Geneva in Switzerland.
On his table, are many documents about issues which he needs to sort out like, the organisation of the 2019 AFCON and the BIR vessel which capsized in the South West Region.
He is expected to be back by tomorrow Friday in Yaounde, where he will prepare to receive the Head of the Chinese EXIMBANK, and then afterwards go on an official trip in August.
Biya is reported to be very angry with his security service that allowed his daughter Brenda Biya to distribute wine in all of Meyomessala.
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- Biya
Meanwhile the leader of the gangster regime “papa” Paul Biya is being called upon by his followers from North to South, East to West, and even out of the country to present his candidature for the upcoming presidential elections next year, despite his over 30 years of arbitrary rule, others think enough is enough, including some of his close collaborators.
These close collaborators as analysed by Camer News, stand as a big obstacle to Biya in obtaining a sixth mandate for himself. Whether already in Kodengui or still moving around scot-free, they pose a big threat to Chantal’s husband given that they have foreign support which is making them stronger than he thinks.
Before the beginning of every of his mandates, according to Camer News, Biya always wanted a perfect government for himself and that is why he made sure he instructed the members of his government and their leader the Prime Minister, to leave no stone unturned to brilliantly transform the economic situation of the nation in terms of development, in order to improve the living conditions of the population.
All of these dreams have never been realised. Times without number, President Biya has signed documents authorising his so-called big projects which never end up being a reality. “I expect from this government, a new page as it engages in its specific duties, especially in those sectors where regular inactivity have set in. I equally demand of them manifestation of cohesion and solidarity in the exercising of their duties, which is a tenable asset of success”; those were His Excellency Biya Mvondo’s words during a council of Ministers which was held on the 03rd of July 2009. Four days after this, Philemon Yang was handed over the keys of the Star Building. In spite of all of this talking, Biya’s directives were never respected or executed.
Ministers, who are supposed to remain within the confines of their gruesome salaries, do not do so. They have big crocodile eyes that cannot stay of the contents of public coffers. They want to sweep everything away, not even accomplishing what they were appointed for.
Unfinished projects are now the order of the day. A good number of minister have been sent to languish behind bars in Kondengui, for swindling state funds, which were supposed to be used for State projects. These projects usually end up halfway or are not even started. There is the Bamenda ring road which is yet to be a full reality, as it is not yet complete. There are other domains of development, like the Lom Pangar hydro electric dam which Cameroonians wonder if they are eternal projects that don’t get terminated. This does not even move those in power to change their behaviour. They still keep on stealing money which does not belong to them.
If an investigation is done, it will be discovered that, all those who accuse others of embezzlement and secession, are the real secessionists themselves. They just want to hide behind and do their bad deeds.
At this point in time, even if Biya surrounds himself with the top body guards in the world, his security will still be at the mercy of some of his close collaborators who are just waiting for his downfall, not even for the good of Cameroon but for their own personal gains.
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- Eyong Orlando
- Hits: 5330
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- Biya
The Director of Civil at the Presidency, Martin Belinga Eboutou is reported to have been humiliated in Paris as he tried to negotiate for a tete a tete between Paul Biya and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.
The high level diplomat who is alleged to be on medical leave in France approached the French Elysie to begin procedures for the high level meeting . But instead of his fellow Director of Cabinet to appear for talks, Belinga Eboutou was received by an attache'e at the President. It still remains unclear whether both parties arrived at any concrete result.
The incident has left majority of Cameroonians smiling over the humiliation of one of Biya's closest disciples. It has also raised speculations as to how much money could have been mobilized for the trip. Since billions of tax payers effort is rumored to have been harnessed to bribe French officials to facilitate the meeting.
Paul Biya has been seeking for a chance to meet Emmanuel Macron since the dramatic election of the 39 year old into the Champs Elysee . He recently held talk with the French Ambassador to Cameroon, Gilles Thibaut who told CRTV reporters at the Unity Palace that a meeting between Biya and Macron is on the pipeline.
The reason behind Biya's desperate move is still unknown . But it's no secret that Macron wants a new order in France- Africa relations with Biya and other sit tight leaders scared of the unknown. The silence of the France's strong man over the Africa issue since his coming to power has unsettled most leaders including Biya who might want to use the meeting to size up how the French man sees him. The Anglophone crisis , the 2018 Presidential election and a potential Devaluation of the Franc CFA are some issues giving him sleepless nights and Macron's position on these files will enable Biya know where he is treading.
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- Biya
The president of La Republique signed a series of decrees appointing and dismissing local administrators on Monday.
The message,that was read on the lone state broadcaster CRTV, brought tears and joy to several families.
And what was probably disturbing about it is the fact that most of those who were sent on retirement or fired are as young as the president’s grand children. They certainly got to those positions when Paul Biya had been in power for several years.
Paul Biya who took over from Ahidjo in 1982 is hoping to make miracles by 2035 and make his country an “emerging nation”.
For that reason, he dismisses and retires those who are either too “old”, too weak to think clearly or “unproductive”.
On his part, he is strong, young enough to take the nation to emergence by 2035. Eighty-four years is not a problem.
There is every indication that our “father” does not want to admit that age is also weighing on him. During celebrations marking the National Day in Yaounde at the 20th May Boulevard, there were signs of fatigue on his face.
What is he telling Cameroonians? That he is more intelligent; smarter; stronger and more Cameroonian than everyone else?
A single regime yet several prime ministers have come and gone. More than three decades of “change’. That’s strange.
In fact, if the regime must hold tight to the string of powers, let there be no retirement or dismissal.
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 7114