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- Biya
The first lady of Cameroon wore the fabric of her spouse, President Paul Biya’s political party, the CPDM to the march past ground.
This is unlike what used to obtain in recent years. Immediately she set foot at the 20th May Boulevard, social networks like, Facebook and Whatsapp, started swelling up with comments about her outfit like, “this year we are surely celebrating the National CPDM day” for those who saw no reason why she had to dress that way, while others argued that its normal for one to represent their party with their outfit.
This is a day which the regime faithfuls consider as the National Reunification day, but everybody was surprised to perceive “mama Chantou” as she is affectionately called, with the Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement party uniform.
Some observers even proposed that, she should have joined the civilians of her party who were marching past, if she really intended to put on a political party’s attire.
Another aspect which together with Chantal Biya’s own case illustrated the fact that, the party in power wishes to take control over everything in the country, is the unimaginable number of CPDM militants who paraded. Many of them took part compared to the other groups who seemingly were few in numbers
The number of Biya’s paraders was too enormous despite the fact that, only few individuals had to be selected per group according to instructions, to participate in the civilian march past, in order to hasten the pace of activities.
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- Pavel Joseph Nyuysuliy
- Hits: 3918
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- Biya
In a communiqué signed by the Minister of Communication Issa Tchiroma Bakari, mobile phones will not be allowed into the Unity Palace during the reception organised by the presidential couple, marking the 45th edition of the so called National Reunification.
Yesterday 19th May, it was made public by the State manipulated TV and Radio stations, that the power mongers of Etoudi had restricted the accessibility of guests with phones into the presidential mansion after the March past at the 20th May Boulevard.
This was done with the pretext that cell phones could obstruct the smooth control of the population that is expected to be present at the unity Palace.
This calls for much questioning, as the public does not imagine how mobile phones could stand as an obstacle to the easy access of guests to the after-march past ceremony.
Some are suggesting that there is something which they want to hide from the world, while others speculate that the old age of President Paul Biya who is now 84, does not permit him to act vibrantly as people in his position ought to, during such ceremonies and thus will not want the public to notice that.
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 3230
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- Biya
The principle of separation of power which is a basic tenet in democracy is a far fetched dream in la republique du Cameroun. The 84 year old tyrant unilaterally controls the executive, judiciary and the legislative arms of government. Going by section 8 of the crook and biased 1996 Constitution, Mr Biya is the president of the republic, head of state, Chief of defence force, Head of the higher judicial council amongst many other prerogatives conferred on him. It is unheard of in modern democracy to know that a president elected by the people, appoint and dismisses top government and military officials at will without any objection from anywhere.
The gerontocratic Yaounde government is 90 percent manned by natives of the Bulu, Ewondo and Etone clans (Beti tribe). The non beti government officials including those from the Anglophone Community are people who swear to defend the interest of the ruling party even if it means jeopardising the well-being of the population.
Shockingly, it has been revealed that for over 30 years of Biya’s reign over Cameroon, he has used over 500 cabinet ministers with southern Cameroons getting just 70 ministers without portfolio out of it. More to that, very important and strategic ministerial positions are being occupied by natives from the Bulu community where Mr. biya originates and most of these persons are his old friends and classmates.
Nonetheless,it wouldn’t be an affront to the Beti military regime to say that the judiciary is not independent. Biya appoints judges in tribunals mainly to settle political scores rather than to serve justice to litigants. The recent illegal arrest, torture and detention of one of Southern Cameroon’s legal luminary, chief justice Ayah Paul Abine is a glaring example.The legal sector is marred with high level bribery and corruption, justice goes to the highest bidder.
On the other hand, many have described the Yaounde based parliament as a robber stamp, group of stooges and hand clappers. The coming of the senate, has added nothing but rather helped to drain tax payers money with the huge salaries they receive from Mr. Biya.The national Assembly on its part has never adopted any private member bills but only those emanating from the francophone dominant government.Controlling government action which is parliament’s fundamental role is an exception with the Ngoa Ekelle glass house MPs.
It should be recalled that Paul Biya took over power from Ahmadou Ahidjo in 1982 and two years after, he changed the name of the country from United Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon without consulting the parliament nor conducting any referendum. He has ruled Cameroon since then till date and he is preparing to run for another mandate at the age of 85 come 2018.
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 4124
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- Biya
Permit me go straight to the point, is your butt stuck to that armchair? From the womb I saw you sat there, Now I near the tomb, you're still there Grandpa, is that your heritage? Why hold fast with eagle's grip?
Off it you knocked off big brother, Sent him to shake hands with ancestors Now like fish he's smoked on strange soil, Why do this evil to your fellow blood?
You overturned the table with trickery, And sat your butt like King Kong. You run your household with iron fist And set eyes everywhere to watch your back, What are you scared of, old man?
Your skin is older than your hair, Can you bribe age with goat's hair? A sower of wheat must reap wheat. Now you dread your own kind, You flood your yard with watchdogs, They watch your step like guardian spirits, You spend every dime to oil their lips. When you sneeze everyone catches cold. Are you a bear to your household? You zip every mouth that points a finger And give them a bed in a parrot's cage. Can a cage turn a parrot into a dumb? The neighbours are all watching!
You sneak out and in like rat moles, How long will you run from your shadow? Your hands are painted with camwood, Why are your children deserting you? See how they flock into neighboring houses, You set your forest on wild fire. Why would the beasts not flee for refuge?
Now amend your ways while time rolls. Get your wrinkled butt off that armchair. Do with haste before it gets scorched. Those parrots you caged at the backyard Are muttering your name day and night. Amend your ways before you become one Grandpa.
I sincerely mean no disrespect,
Your grandson!
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 2960
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- Biya
While millions of their people live in poverty, these African leaders are heavily loaded in terms of treasures. He is the president of Cameroon and 83 years old. The statesman has an estimated fortune of $ 200 million.
With his wealth mostly based in Europe, he owns several mansions there as reported. He is currently the longest ruling Non-Royal head of state in the world. He has rigged the term limit laws twice to make sure he stays in power.
The Cameroonian president is said to be the richest man in Cameroon. In a 2009 , the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) denounced Paul Biya as being among a list of leaders with ill-gotten wealth.
According to a French online newspaper, Rue 89, Paul Biya’s vacation was over the top more expensive than that of the American President. He was widely criticized for having rented a villa for 30,000 euros per day in August 2009. Cameroon is one of the poorest countries in the world (with $2,257 GDP per capita as of 2011) with 48% of its population living below the poverty line.
The U.S. imported $544 million worth of crude and fuel oil from Cameroon in 2008 and exported $59 million worth of drilling and oilfield equipment but still the citizens don’t see all this profit. Because of its modest oil resources and favorable agricultural conditions, Cameroon has one of the best-endowed primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, it faces many of the serious problems confronting other underdeveloped countries, such as stagnant per capita income, a relatively inequitable distribution of income, a top-heavy civil service, endemic corruption, and a generally unfavorable climate for business enterprise.
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- Rita Akana
- Hits: 5549
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- Biya
He has sent policemen and soldiers to shoot at protesters in the Southwest and Northwest and ordered the arrest of a Supreme Court judge in Yaounde on Saturday night without any warrant of arrest. He has banned protests and curtailed the freedom of association and of speech. He is known for spending months abroad relaxing in luxury hotels while his countrymen struggle at home. He is accountable to no one but himself.
Cameroonian dictator, Paul Biya, who has been in power for 35 years since 1982, has turned his terribly underdeveloped country into another banana republic in Africa.
He has sent policemen and soldiers to shoot at protesters in the Southwest and Northwest and ordered the arrest of a Supreme Court judge in Yaounde on Saturday night without any warrant of arrest. He has banned protests and curtailed the freedom of association and of speech. He is known for spending months abroad relaxing in luxury hotels while his countrymen struggle at home with empty stomachs. He is accountable to no one but himself, and maybe Paris.
At almost 83 years old, Mr. Biya and his cabal have grown increasingly uncomfortable, especially, with developments in Ghana and Gambia, where sitting Presidents were defeated in the last presidential elections and had to go.
In the Northwest and Southwest, where residents are mainly English speakers, protests went on for months by lawyers and lecturers demanding justice and equality in a country where President Biya has spoken French for more than three decades and Anglophones feel left behind in many economic and political areas in Cameroon.
Mr. Biya reacted by sending trucks of policemen and soldiers to shoot at and suppress the protesters. Many were arrested, including students who were bundled into dirty trucks and sent to various tribunals for phony judgments.
If Angophones feel marginalised by the Biya government, the situation is not any better in any part of Cameroon. In the far north where Boko Haram has been bombing, shooting and killing for years, Mr. Biya has not visited to comfort the citizens or encourage soldiers fighting and dying in ambushes. And when the corpses of 38 killed soldiers were brought to Yaounde for burial, Mr. Biya did not even attend the event.
The level of poverty in the north is so appalling that most people are now used to living in squalor and hunger and do not know any other way. It is the same situation in the eastern part of the country where basic infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and electricity are rare to find.
Even in the capital, Yaounde, the underdevelopment and unemployment are palpable everywhere. Dusty roads and scattered houses in an unplanned city can be seen here and there.
The entire country is in a state of chaos where basic laws are not respected and protests are met with excessive force.
The international community should call the despotic leader to order and not allow him go down with the entire country in flames.
TheSimonAtebaNews, Washington DC
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- Simon Ateba
- Hits: 5766