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- Biya

After 27 days out of the country, President Biya and Chantal Biya returned to the nation’s capital Yaoundé on March 27, 2015, under strong military presence. Cameroon's presidential couple arrived in Yaoundé early in the evening of yesterday from Europe.
Despite the untimely water shortages and electricity and giant traffic jams which residents of Yaoundé are subject to, CPDM militants were mobilized by the hierarchy to greet their leader. The city was crisscrossed by elements of the Presidential Guard, deployed for the security of the presidential couple.
It should be recalled President Biya and Chantal Biya left Yaoundé on March 1 for a private stay in Europe- a trip that caused a lot of controversy both in the foreign press and local media. French media announced that the Cameroon presidential couple were hospitalized. Yaoundé published a denial.
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 3343
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- Biya

A feeling of misunderstanding has developed in Cameroon between President Biya and the Cameroonian people. This time around is over the publication of a condolence message from President Biya to the families of the victims of the Airbus A320 crash operated by Germanwings. President Biya published on his official face book page that, "I sent my condolences following the crash of the Airbus A320”
In response to this message of condolence, Cameroonian face book users reacted angrily demanding that their president addressed his condolences to the victims of Boko Haram atrocities in Fotokol and other parts of the country. "Our brothers and sisters who die in the Far North, really deserve sympathy," wrote one of them. "You're laughing at us Mr. CPDM Chairman. We want more job creation for young people that we are. So stop informing us about unnecessary things, "says another visitor.”Have you sent your condolences to the Cameroonians who died in an accident on the Ebolowa highway? "Asks another. However, some moderate users observed that the president has always sent condolences to all the unfortunate situations that occur in the world. To them, it is positive and real diplomacy.
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 3159
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- Biya
President Biya has ordered Minister Fame Ndongo to reinstate the names of the students he rejected from the list of successful candidates in the IRIC entrance examination. Cameroon Concord has learnt that Biya made the decision from Europe where he is on a private visit. Minister Jacques Fame Ndongo the Minister of Higher Education has now officially been requested to readmit the students previously rejected for the academic year 2014-2015. The students are:
1- Nti Estelle Nadia
2- Mebenga Lucien Thierry
3- Oyono Ottou Didier Hervé
4- Ayuck Josiane Marguerite
5-Simeu Djoko Brice C.
6- Minka Minyem Joseph
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 7117
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- Biya

The Director of the Civil Cabinet at the Presidency of the Republic has told the Cameroonian people via a statement today on national radio that the presidential couple have left Yaounde to Europe for a short private stay. The statement added that the Head of State, Paul Biya was accompanied on this trip by an official delegation comprising Prof. Martin Belinga Eboutou, Minister and Director of the Civil Cabinet at the Presidency of the Republic, Rear Admiral Joseph Fouda, Special Advisor to the President of the Republic and Simon Peter BIKELE, head of presidential protocol.Cameroon Concord gathered that before leaving the Cameroonian capital, President Biya granted audiences to some of his close associates including the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic.
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 3032
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- Biya

President Paul BIYA had a joint audience with the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the National Assembly, and then received the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic and the Prime Minister. While the audiences were in process, the First Lady Madam Chantal BIYA shared good moments with the wives of close collaborators of the Head of State. The Head of State addressed messages of thanks and goodwill to the President of Senegal Macky SALL, the outgoing Secretary General of the Francophonie Abdou DIOUF and the incoming Secretary General Michaelle JEAN.
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 2636
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- Biya

As far back as 1979, I was chosen to deliver a welcome message to the late S.T.Muna, a long standing cabinet minister and speaker of the house in the Ahidjo government. When I returned home that evening, my parents gave me a lecture which in my heart I bore long after it was heard no more. They said that to become a man like S.T.Muna, I should honour my father and mother, respect all my teachers in school, do not steal, do not cheat and do not tell lies. So, I grew up knowing that a government minister is someone who throughout his life had honored his parents, never stolen, never cheated and does not tell lies. However, the relationship between President Paul Biya and his namesake, Paul Nji Atanga is compelling me to think and rethink things on the teachings of my parents. To get a job in any financial institution, you must have a clean credit history and a clean security report. For those who do not know, in Cameroon we call it certificate of non conviction. It goes the same if you occupy any top level security position. Let alone being appointed into the cabinet as a government minister.
In Biya’s Cameroon where they claim to be waging a war on corruption, our nation’s permanent Secretary of the National Security Council, Paul Nji Atanga is wanted by the Special Criminal Tribunal for embezzlement of state funds back in 2010. One wonders what due diligence was undertaken before his appointment as Minister and then to the Security Council of the Republic of Cameroon. Interestingly, we are not seeing any signs that President Biya or Prime Minister Yang Philemon are running away from a man like Atanga Nji!! So, President Biya continues to head a government where no one takes responsibility, no one apologizes, no one resigns. My sources tell me Atanga Nji is a clown in President Biya’s entourage. He tells Biya and his wife stories about Fru Ndi that makes them laugh. He tells Biya everything negative about Anglophone leaders and pretends to be more Francophone than even Francophones themselves. Nothing can best represent a country that is crumbling than the fact that men like Paul Atanga Nji are cabinet ministers. So, this North West Region that has produced Anoma Ngu, John Niba Ngu, Bernard Fonlon, Lamtum, Dan Muna, Ephraim Ngwafor, Ben Muna the cabinet ministers from there are Paul Atanga Nji and Ama Tutu Muna!! Cameroon expects an investor to carry his millions from Europe or America and invest in a country where a cabinet minister blatantly refuses to attend court hearings. Biya cannot be serious!!!!
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- Ngwa Bertrand
- Hits: 3995